Level Up Your Code: The SOLID Principles Quest | Single Responsibility Principle

Kavindu Perera
2 min readMar 24, 2024


A bite-sized guide to understanding SOLID principles

Photo by Todd Quackenbush on Unsplash

So far we have gotten a sense of what SOLID stands for from this blog. If you haven’t read it, please do so.

Think about a toolbox filled with different tools. Each tool has its job. The same idea applies to the first SOLID principle — it’s all about giving each part of your code a single, clear responsibility. Let’s explore how it works!

When “All-in-One” Classes Backfire

Let’s look at a real-world example where the Single Responsibility Principle is ignored, leading to potential problems. Imagine a class designed to handle customer orders:

Now, why is this problematic ???

  • If you need to modify how order totals are calculated, database interactions work, or the confirmation email format, you’d have to change this class.
  • This class becomes bloated and harder to understand as more responsibilities are added.
  • Testing each functionality (calculation, saving, email) independently becomes tricky.

Okay, now we get it. How can we fix this???

The Power of Focused Responsibilities

Here’s how we can restructure the code to adhere to the Single Responsibility Principle:

Why is this better ???

  • Each class has a single, well-defined job.
  • Changes to one area are less likely to impact others.
  • You can test calculations, database operations, and email sending in isolation.

What is the takeaway here ???

By breaking down responsibilities into focused classes, your code becomes more modular, understandable, and easier to maintain in the long run.

And with that, we’ve taken the first step towards code built to last! Stay tuned for the next SOLID exploration, where we’ll conquer the challenge of making code flexible and open to change!

