Level Up Your Code: The SOLID Principles Quest

Kavindu Perera
2 min readMar 22, 2024


A bite-sized guide to understanding SOLID principles

Photo by Alex Gruber on Unsplash

Imagine trying to untangle a giant ball of yarn — every time you pull, it just worsens and you start panicking. That’s what it feels like to work with poorly written code — it’s a messy mess of problems that keep adding up. But fear not! The SOLID principles are your secret weapon. They’re like magic scissors that can cut through all that complexity. By following these principles, you can pinpoint issues, make changes without freaking out, and stop your code from becoming a total disaster. Get ready to turn your tangled code into a work of art, where everything has a purpose and fits together perfectly.

Let’s begin. So, what does SOLID stand for;

S — Single Responsibility Principle.

  • One Job, Done Well: A class should only have one reason to change.

O — Open/Closed Principle

  • Open for Extension, Closed for Changes: Make your code flexible by allowing new behavior without changing existing code.

L — Liskov Substitution Principle

  • The Family That Works Together: If you can use a parent class, you should be able to use its child classes without things breaking.

I — Interface Segregation Principle

  • Don’t Be a Jack of All Trades: Lots of small, specific interfaces are better than one giant do-it-all interface.

D — Dependency Inversion Principle

  • Friends of Friends: Depend on ideas (abstractions) instead of concrete details.

Think of the SOLID principles as your code’s superpowers! A set of guidelines helps you create software that’s easier to understand, adapt, and maintain.

As mentioned above, each letter stands for a key concept: classes with focused responsibilities (S), flexible code (O), reliable inheritance (L), specialized interfaces (I), and adaptable connections (D).

Stay tuned for in-depth explorations of each principle with easy-to-understand code examples, where we’ll break down how they’ll transform your code from ordinary to extraordinary!

